Root Relive Greens Supplement Facts
Root Relive Greens Dosage Instruction

ROOT ReLive Greens

$ 79,00

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  • Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
  • Strong Immune System
  • Eradication of Environmental Processes
  • Enhanced Metabolism
  • Modalates the Immune System
  • Prebiotic & Probiotic Pathways

Product Description ROOT RELIVE GREENS

RELIVE GREENS is a powerhouse of vegetables, fruits, prebiotics, and probiotics to work synergistically to support a healthy immune system.


153g, $0.51 USD per gram

Relive Greens is a ketosis creating powerhouse proprietary blend of organic, all-natural green superfoods, dark leafy greens, fruits, and prebiotic fiber that supports the body’s natural ability to cleanse and rejuvenate while boosting your metabolism.