ROOT Prime (RPS)

ROOT Prime (RPS) is a loyalty program for customers and Ambassadors who sign up for automatic shipping (every 30 days) of their selected products. A ROOT Prime membership is activated with your first ROOT Prime (RPS) order and offers a number of benefits.

As a ROOT Prime subscriber, you’ll have your favorite products at your fingertips all the time for optimal wellness. Of course, you can also cancel your ROOT Prime subscription at any time.

Root Prime benefits

ROOT PRIME Subscription Terms & Conditions

ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) is a loyalty membership program designed to provide rewards and special services to ROOT Customers who subscribed to receive selected products automatically processed every calendar month. The ROOT Prime Subscription Membership is activated upon your first ROOT Prime Subscription (RPS) order. “Customer” applies to ROOT Customers and Ambassadors.

RPS Processing Date is a day of the month, selected by Customer, on which the RPS Order will process every calendar month.

  • RPS Processing Date can be adjusted manually at any time (must click save)
  • RPS orders are processed the day after selected date
  • To keep RPS Benefits, RPS Processing date must be changed accordingly to our terms & conditions; there can be at most 31 days between two RPS orders
  • There must be a minimum of 20 days between two RPS Processing dates

Consecutive RPS Order is an order that is completed no sooner than 20 days after the last RPS Order, and no later than 31 days after the last RPS Order.

RPS Cart
is referring to the items that are added to the RPS and can be seen by logging into the ROOT Account and selecting ROOT Prime from the side menu.

  • RPS Cart items can be removed from the RPS Cart
  • RPS Cart items quantities can be adjusted in the RPS Cart
  • RPS Cart items can be added to the RPS Cart from the SHOP

RPS Cycle is a four-month interval of time during which four consecutive RPS Orders must be completed; there can be at most 31 days between RPS Orders for the Customer to keep the RPS Benefits.

  • RPS Cycle is completed successfully if four RPS Orders are processed consecutively and in the respected time period of four months
  • RPS Cycle is not successful if the RPS Orders in the four-month period since the first RPS Order are not Consecutive RPS Orders

RPS Benefits are:

  • One Shipping Token of $15 USD for one RPS order; Customers receive this token once a month
  • Two Shipping Tokens of $15 USD for two regular orders; Customers receive these two tokens once a month
  • RPS Reward of $50 USD in the form of a coupon code, if the average product price for a monthly order after a finished RPS Cycle is $175 USD or below
  • RPS Reward of $100 USD in the form of two coupon codes, if the average product price for a monthly order after a finished RPS Cycle is $176 USD or above

1.  Upon signing up for RPS, the Customer authorizes ROOT Wellness LLC to charge their selected payment method for a recurring order every month
(30-31 days), according to the RPS Processing date.

2. Customer understands that this is a recurring subscription that will continue indefinitely unless a cancellation takes place.

3. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure a working payment method in order to continue RPS Membership and receive the RPS Benefits.

4. RPS Orders must be shipped to an address selected in the ROOT Prime menu, accessible from the ROOT Account. Any later address changes must be communicated and approved by Root Wellness Customer Support Team; failure to communicate might result in unsuccessful RPS Cycle completion.

5. Regular orders that are using the Shipping Token of $15 USD have to be shipped to the same address as the RPS Orders; changes of address for these orders will result in regular shipping fee charges and cancellation of the Shipping Token.

6. You must complete four consecutive shipments, one shipment every thirty days, for four consecutive 30-day periods, in order to receive your RPS reward.

7. If the RPS Processing Date is moved out beyond a month (30-31 days) or an already processed RPS order is cancelled, the RPS Cycle can be
interrupted; interruptions will result in the reset of the ROOT Prime Cycle, next order recorded as the first out of four orders in the RPS Cycle.

8. Customers can return their first RPS Order. Second and all consecutive RPS Orders are non-refundable, unless under specific circumstances; if the Root Wellness LLC Customer Support Team is contacted and the refund is approved, the Customer can return the second or later RPS Orders for a refund.

9. You may cancel your RPS order at any time by logging into your account, selecting Root Prime from the menu, and clicking on Cancel. If you use
PayPal as a payment method for your RPS reoccurring order, you must also log into PayPal and cancel their auto payment profile for your

10. RPS Reward of $100 USD in the form of two coupon codes, if the average product price for a monthly order after a finished RPS Cycle is $176
USD or above



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